不滅の言葉 96年1号

Unforgettable Story



IF 52 WHY NOT 53?

A dacoit with 52 murders to his credit decided to reform. With a contrite heart he went to a temple of Shiva, confessed his sins and prayed for pardon, promising never again to commit such offenses. His life thereafter was one of prayers and penances.

Once while walking in a lonely forest in the evening he heard cries for help. On going to the spot where the cries were coming from, he found a band of travellers attacked by a ruffian. If he was to save them there was no alternative to killing the ruffian, and all killing he had forsworn. what was he to do? Thinking quickly, he decided, "If 52, why not 53? One more murder won't add so much to my sins". And straightaway he killed the ruffian and rescued the travellers.

But he was perturbed greatly at having broken his promise to the great Lord Shiva. He prayed to be forgiven for his lapse. Suddenly he heard the God's voice, "Take heart, my son, for you have committed no sin but an act of merit. You have, by this act, sufficiently atoned for all your previous sins."



 あるとき、日暮れにさびしい森の中を歩いていると、助けを求める叫び声が聞こえた。声のする方角に行ってみると、何人かの旅びとが一人の悪者におそわれていた。もし彼らを助けようとするならその悪者を殺すよりほかに途はない。しかし彼は、再び人は殺さないという誓いを立てていたのだ。どうしたらよかろう。急いで思案した末、彼は心に決めた、「五十二人殺したのだ。五十三人がなぜいけない? がなんだ。一人ふえたとて罪に大した違いはないではないか」それで直ちにその悪者を殺し、旅びとたちを救った。


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