- ラビンドラナート・タゴールからロマン・ローランへ
"If you want to know India study Vivekananda. In him every thing is positive and nothing negative." - Rabindranath Tagore to Romain Rolland

- マハトマ・ガンディー
"I have come here Belur Math] to pay my homage and respect to the revered memory of Swami Vivekananda, whose birthday is being celebrated today 6 February 1921]. I have gone through his works very thoroughly, and after having gone through them, the love that I had for my country became a thousand-fold. I ask you, young men, not to go away empty-handed without imbibing something of the spirit of the place where Swami Vivekananda lived and died."
- Mahatma Gandhi

- ロマン・ローラン
"His words are great music, phrases in the style of Beethoven, stirring rhythms like the march of Handel choruses. I cannot touch these sayings of his, scattered as they are through the pages of books, at thirty years' distance, without receiving a thrill through my body like an electric shock. And what shocks, what transports must have been produced when in burning words they issued from the lips of the hero!"
- Romain Rolland

 前略 過般来当地に参り、ヴィヴェーカーナンダ師に面会致し候。師は気魄学識超絶抜群、一代の名士と相見え、五天到るところ師を敬慕せざるはなし。
- 岡倉天心
Coming to this place recently I have met Swami Vivekananda. He is so great in spirituality and learning that he is beyond comparison. I consider him to be the greatest man of this age. Wherever you go (in India), you will not find anyone who does not love and respect him.....
- Tenshin Okakura

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